Můj Vodafone app for iPhone and iPad

4.2 ( 1392 ratings )
Utilities Productivity
Developer: Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.
Current version: 5.27.0, last update: 1 month ago
First release : 27 Mar 2012
App size: 168.39 Mb

Díky aplikaci Můj Vodafone spravujete svůj účet kdykoliv a odkudkoliv. Přihlásíte se jednoduše telefonním číslem, číslem služby, číslem plátce nebo e-mailem, a hned tak získáte aktuální přehled o čerpání svých jednotek (data, volné minuty a SMS) nebo třeba o stavu Vyúčtování.

Kromě přehledů všeho druhu, které můžete mít i formou widgetu přímo na ploše telefonu (nebo ještě blíž, na svých Apple Watch), si v aplikaci na pár kliknutí aktivujete další služby a upravíte ty stávající (např. dokoupení dat k vašemu tarifu, nastavení roamingu), zaplatíte Vyúčtování, dobijete kredit (kartou nebo kuponem). A to vše přehledně a jednoduše u všech služeb, která u nás máte.

Aplikace je zcela zdarma, a to jak doma, tak v zahraničí. O žádná data ze svého balíčku tak nepřijdete. Dále na vás v sekci Moje nabídky čekají nové soutěže, bonusy a slevy od nás či našich obchodních partnerů.

Co dalšího Můj Vodafone nabízí? Třeba roamingovou kalkulačku, možnost nákupu nové SIM karty a zařízení, tmavý režim, který šetří oči a baterii, převod fyzické SIM karty na elektronickou eSIM, informace o vaší smlouvě a tarifu, měřič rychlosti připojení, mapu našich prodejen a pokrytí či důležité zprávy z Vodafonu. Je toho opravdu spousta, tak neváhejte a pořádně ji prozkoumejte!

Můj Vodafone není určen zákazníkům OneNet. Na ty čeká aplikace OneNet CZ na https://itunes.apple.com/cz/app/vodafone-onenet-cz/id972687958?l=cs&mt=8

Thanks to My Vodafone application you can control your account anytime from anywhere. You can log in easily with your phone number, service number, payee number or e-mail, and right away you will receive actual overview about your units usage (data, free minutes and SMS) or for example about your billing status.

Except overviews of all kind, that you can have also by form of widget directly on your phone screen (or even closer, on your Apple Watch), you can activate other services in your app with few clicks and edit those that are running (for example additional purchase of data to your tariff, roaming settings), you can pay billings, you can top up the credit (by card or coupon). And all this clearly and simply for all the services you have with us.

Application is completely for free, at home, but also abroad. Therefore you will not miss any data from your package. Furthermore there are new competitions, bonuses and discounts from us or our business partners, waiting for you in the section My offers.

What else is My Vodafone offering? For example roaming calculator, possibility to buy new SIM card and devices, dark mode, which saves eyes and battery, conversion of physical SIM card to electronic eSIM, information about your contract and tariff, speed control of connection, maps of our stores and coverage or important news from Vodafone. There is really plenty of it, so wait no more and explore this app thoroughly!

My Vodafone is not for customers of OneNet. For those, application OneNet CZ awaits at https://itunes.apple.com/cz/app/vodafone-onenet-cz/id972687958?l=cs&mt=8

Pros and cons of Můj Vodafone app for iPhone and iPad

Můj Vodafone app good for

Amazing app i can do all what i need from my iPhone dont need go to customer support or call the support
Great app... Downgraded one star because its all the time live. Should require Touch ID on iPhones each time it signs in. Otherwise its great to be able to check how much data has been used as well as minutes and SMS
Doesnt work at iPhone 6. There are a lot of "temporary"problems, which the cannot solve for a long time

Some bad moments

This app is crap, it is slow, I need to enter PIN all the time when I open this app, even if I enable permanent login. The widget is not working too, just shows that I need to login first, very "useful". There is so many bad developers in the word and big companies like Vodafone has a really good skills to hire them. Apple should block this crap from app store.
After the last update payment by card does not work (it worked in previous version, though).
This app provides an easy way for keeping track of your calling, SMS, and mobile data usage. However, I dont understand why the app is consistently slow to sign in an retrieve any data from any of the categories. I suspect theres some backend issues that Vodafone still needs to address, because it really kills the user experience to have to wait for text-based data to appear.
Could you PLEASE taste the app by Yourself BEFORE make updates available for users, hah??
Sometimes the app crashs, sometimes not. However, its an useful app for having a control over your phone expenses.
App is perfect tool to keep track of spending and usage. Easy to use.

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